The Model 6100 Combo Laser Diode and TEC Controller (replacing the popular legacy 6000 driver) provides up to 1500 mA/10 V for laser diodes and a 32 W (4A/8V) bipolar output for operation with thermoelectric (TE) coolers. The unit features a DSP based temperature controller for fast settling times, and exceptionally low short and long-term stability. Ultra-stable current control, great stability and high reliability for laser diodes is achieved by a combination of superb electronics design and quality control. It supports high-speed data acquisition for LIV characterization. A rich software suite to perform LIV characterization, TEC controller tuning, monitoring/setup and LabVIEW drivers are included.
Laser diode current, photodiode current, forward voltage, TE current, TE voltage, temperature sensor (°C, R, Amp, or Volts) are measured and simultaneously presented on a four line LCD and two 7 segment displays. The menu options allow for alternative display configurations of the parameters based on user preferences. Important LD Controller parameters are set from the front panel or via USB. Thermistors, platinum RTD, AD590/592 and LM335 IC sensors are supported. Sensor calibration constants are easily programmed for direct readout in °C.