6100 Combination Laser Diode Driver and Temperature Controller

Laser Diode Controllers

The Model 6100 Combo Laser Diode and Temperature Controller provides up to 1500 mA of current at up to 10 V compliance voltage for laser diodes and a 32 W bipolar output (4A, 8V) for operation with thermoelectric (TE) coolers.


The unit features a DSP based temperature controller for fast settling times, and exceptionally low short and long-term stability. Ultra-stable current control, great stability and high reliability for laser diodes is achieved by a combination of outstanding electronics design and quality control.

  • Ultra low noise current control, 1.2 µA (rms) ripple
  • Ultra stable 24 hour temperature drift <0.003°C
  • USB2.0 Plug-and-Play interface
  • Impressive LIV and temperature tuning software suite included
  • User interface software and drivers are compatible with Windows XP and Windows 7, 32 bit and 64 bit machines
  • Configurable shutdown of LD current upon faulty shut-off of temperature controller