Our high-energy Nd:YAG laser 50/50 beamsplitters are manufactured using high purity fused silica substrates and ultrahard dielectric coatings. These beamsplitters have been tested and certified to withstand high-energy pulses and have a high damage threshold.
€ 1324
€ 951
€ 886
€ 683
Note: Specifications below are common to all products presented. See Individual product details for complete information.
Coatings are available with choice of wavelengths corresponding to each of the harmonics of the Nd:YAG (1064nm, 532nm, 355nm, 266nm) and optimized for choice of P- or S- polarization.
High fluence Nd:YAG lasers may be used safely with these mirrors. Extra durable multilayer coatings are used for both the front beamsplitting surface, and the AR-coated back surface. This results in typical damage threshold at 1064nm of 5 MW/cm2 for CW, 5 J/cm2 for 0.1–100 nsec pulses. Typical damage threshold at 532nm is 2.5 MW/cm2 for CW, 2.5 J/cm2for 0.1–100 nsec pulses.
Reflection and transmission at wavelengths other than the specified wavelengths are uncontrolled and can vary significantly from the curve shown. Use of beamsplitters outside the design wavelengths is not recommended.