Series Q Quartz Tungsteon Halogen (QTH) Lamp Sources provide an economical solution for applications that need visible to near-infrared (NIR), continuous wave radiation. Users pick a light source by selecting from the many QTH lamp and condensor lens options that meet their needs.
€ 777
€ 4944
€ 717
€ 474
€ 625
The quiet, versatile lamp housing and high stability power supply included with these light source kits make them an inexpensive, high-performance option for users that do not require the high intensity light output of higher powered QTH lamps.
Two different 50 W QTH lamps are offered. The 6332 is a short filament type QTH lamp. Short filament QTH lamps have better shock and vibration due to their compact construction and can be more useful for reimaging the filament onto a small input slit of a monochromator, for example.
The 6333 is a 100 W QTH lamp for users that require a larger filament size and additional light output intensity.
The OPS-Q250 power supply provided with these light sources is a highly regulated power supply. Much of an QTH lamp's stability in wavelength and output intensity is due to keeping the temperature and pressure of the gas inside the lamp's envelope as constant possible. The OPS-Q250 power supply provides highly stable voltage and current supply to the lamp's filament, keeping the lamp's ripple to less than 0.05% rms while maximizing the lifetime of the lamp.
The 60000 Series Q Lamp Housing uses convection cooling to maintain a safe operating temperature for Oriel's low wattage lamps, without the loud noise or induced vibration of the typical cooling fan. This housing is popular for researchers that need an inexpensive, compact, versatile lamp housing. With the right Interface Kit and Socket Adapter, all Oriel Arc Lamps and QTH Lamps up to and including 100 W can be operated in this lamp housing. The characteristics of the output light can be changed by simply swapping the condenser lens.
QTH lamps can be mounted inside the Series Q housing horizontally or vertically. Mounting a QTH lamp horizontally orients the filament vertically, making this the preferred position for matching the light emitting filament onto the vertical slit of a monochromator or other light analysis device.
The five condenser lens options offered with these kits differ in the type of lens used and f/#. Two specific lens types are used in these condenser lens configurations:
The 60000 Series Q Lamp Housing contains four output ports. These output ports can remain plugged if unused, or fitted with a condenser lens assembly. If a different condenser lens assembly is mounted to each output port, four simultaneous light outputs, each of a different wavelength emission and beam characteristics can be achieved using a single lamp.
Each light source includes a QTH lamp, socket adapter, lamp housing interface kit, power supply, rear reflector assembly, lamp housing, and condenser lens assembly. After a quick and easy assembly, the light source is ready for use and easily integrated into a user's setup. The included lamp housing is capable of operating all Oriel QTH lamps 100 W and lower in input power and allows the user to swap condenser lens assemblies for different light output characteristics.
f/0.85 Aspheric Lens Option: The 60008 uses a single aspheric lens with an f/# of f/0.85.